Our Guiding Principals
Safety is paramount.
Diversity and Inclusion
Learning and Sharing; within our home and beyond.
Respect, Kindness and Compassion for all.
Celebration and Recognition of who we are and what we do.
Trust and Accountability in and to each other.
Excellence and Innovation in an ever changing world.
Collaboration; working together, we are better.
Our Mission
WEV is an Eden community, with a family atmosphere, connected to the local community, where people in need of continuing care can flourish and be proud to call home.
Commitment to Equity & Diversity Statement
As an organization, Windsor Elms Village has committed our Commitment to Equity and Diversity Statement, click below to learn more.
The Windsor Elms Board of Directors is a dedicated, skilled and accountable group of individuals. Collectively they provide governance which is embedded in best practices, and are committed to continuous quality improvement as a governing body.
The Board has four established committees; Finance, Governance, Quality and CEO Performance & Compensation Review. The Terms of Reference for these committees are found in the Governance Policy Manual. (link below)
Directors are selected through a process that is guided by a recruitment framework. This framework utilizes a skills matrix to identify the necessary Board Director competencies required and any potential or current gaps in the same, supporting the on-going succession planning commitment.
The Windsor Elms Village is committed to inclusivity and will consider all submissions, without regard to age, disability, ethno-cultural identity, or gender. We welcome and celebrate the stories that make up the diverse communities of Nova Scotia, and we strongly encourage submissions from individuals who self-identify as members of under-represented communities.
Potential Directors undergo an interview process. Once elected, new Directors undergo an orientation and are assigned a mentor to assist with their successful introduction to the Board.
Each year the Board as a whole, and the individual Directors, undergo an evaluation of their effectiveness.
A standing agenda item, at each Board meeting, is Governance Education.
Download The Governance Policy Manual
Board of Directors Committees
Our Vision
WEV is an innovator, achieving the most compassionate, dignified, resident-directed living experience. The Best Place to Live, Work and Visit…. Today & Tomorrow.
Key Directions Strategy Graphic
Click below to learn more about our Strategic Directions for 2023-2028
NS Health & Safety Leadership Charter
Click below to learn about NS Health & Safety Leadership Charter

About Us
The people of WEV are deeply committed to ensuring that residents and staff have what is necessary to be successful, striving to provide the best place to live, work and visit.

Our Philosophy
The Windsor Elms Village care partner team is committed to creating a warm, loving home using the principles and practices of The Eden Alternative.

The Best People In The World Work Here. At Windsor Elms Village, we invest in our staff, providing meaningful engagement and opportunity. We are proud of the work we do, and how we do it.
Windsor Elms 50th Anniversary Documentary
Staff Portal
Orientation Policies; Education & Resources; Benefits; Itacit; Other