Our Philosophy: Eden Alternative
The Windsor Elms Village care partner team is committed to creating a warm, loving home using the principles and practices of The Eden Alternative. The Eden Alternative promotes the belief that the most effective care happens when there is a partnership between the caregiver and the care receiver.
Just as in a family, close relationships are grown by having the Residents and their care partners make decisions together, such as what and when to eat, how to spend their time together, as well as other basic daily choices. “In partnership with The Eden Alternative, Windsor Elms Village is continuously transforming their care practices to promote the well-being of the Residents and their care partners.”
Just as in any community, Windsor Elms Village is made up of many special and unique individuals – all with their own special life story and life experience.
Staff at the Elms recognize that the difference between an institution and a community is relationships. Communities are built and sustained on relationships.
These are the principles that led to our creating houses, households and neighbourhoods that have residents with different personalities, different needs and different gifts to offer their “neighbours”.
We do not have a special unit or area for individuals with a particular diagnosis because we truly believe that our residents are much more than their diagnosis.
Here at the Elms, staff and residents alike welcome each new resident and come to know them as a new friend and a new neighbour.
The approach is not without its challenges. However, we are all aware that relationships are never without their challenges. It is by recognizing these, that we see the opportunity to enrich the environment with the personal contributions that each individual has to offer.
We look at each day for opportunities to promote independence for our residents – and to support them living their lives with dignity and respect.
Our Home reflects our commitment to embrace life, provide compassionate support and encourage meaningful relationships with residents, families, staff and our surrounding community.